Star Wars Rebellion - Painting

Just a short one. Amidst the ongoing DIY in our home I managed to find some time to finish painting the Star Wars Rebellion miniatures. Looks great on the table now and all in all wasn't too arduous. However I am a stickler for space ships actually flying...

X-Wings stay in attack formation - Star Wars Rebellion
Corvettes reporting in - Star Wars Rebellion
Snow Speeders protecting the rebel outpost - Star Wars Rebellion
Ranks and Ranks of Storm Troopers! - Star Wars Rebellion

Rebel fleet ready to jump to hyperspace! - Star Wars Rebellion

The empire amassing forces in the galaxy - Star Wars Rebellion

Bespin is subjugated with heavy machinery, AT-AT and AT-ST's - Star Wars Rebellion
Y-Wings ready for a bombing run! - Star Wars Rebellion

Rebel Troopers ready to... Rebel - Star Wars Rebellion

More TIE Fighters Incoming! - Star Wars Rebellion

The in progress Death Star and Imperial Fleet - Star Wars Rebellion

Star Destroyers! - Star Wars Rebellion

Craig McNicholas

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


  1. what kind of paint did you use? Any tips?

    1. I generally use Vallejo with games workshop washes.

      You can get a lot done with a grey and white base coat. Use a spray on primer and wash the minis with a 50/50 mix of medium and black wash. This brings out all the detail then you can drybrush white. Using this technique you can get all Imperial ships and vehicles done. Rebels are similar but start from white base with a black/brown wash.

      I went further edge highlighting everything but you can get a really good finish just with the above steps.

      Happy to comment more if you want more detail. Good luck

  2. These look great! What did you use to base the smaller ships on? (the small black round bases)

    1. I found MDF bases cut to size on eBay, they are only about £2 for the lot :) can probably find the seller if you need me to

  3. Fantastic work, very inspiring! I love the flying ships, they look so much better.

  4. I'm looking for the bases for the ships and AT-ATs

    1. The ship's are standard flight bases on eBay should be able to find them. The AT-AT bases are custom cut to size again by a guy who does MDF bases on eBay. All real cheap and I can find who I bought off if you can't find them just message again.

  5. Can you advise what size the troop miniatures are? Are they 15mm, 22mm, 28mm etc? Thanks :-)

    1. My guess is around 15mm. They are larger than some 10mm troop minis I have but not by much

  6. Looks great! What size are the mdf bases?

  7. Looks great! What size are the mdf bases?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I believe you want "clear flying base" something like.

  9. Hi, excellent work. I know this is very old post, but hope you can help.
    Can you tell me how you attached the space ships to these flying bases? I'm asking because it looks like these ships aren't supposed to be attached to the pins. Did you just used super glue or some additional elements in order to attach your ships to the pins of the flying base?

  10. Most impressive! Thanks for showing them against the board I was curious how much painting these miniatures would darken them against the backdrop. Yours look fantastic!
